Sunday, 20 January 2013

William turns four!

Our boyo turned four this week, can you believe it? It seems not so long ago that we were walking into Princess Anne's to be induced but to be told by the midwives that I was already in labour; and later that day we met the boy. 

That picture was actually taken on day two, but isn't it a good'un?!

William is now a very confident and active little boy, no longer a baby, no longer even a toddler. Well, he'll always be my baby and there's no escaping that my son! He attends pre-school five days a week from 09:00 until 15:00 (ready for school) at Alphabets in Botley and is always bringing us home one of his masterpieces, although he is a bit funny about getting his hands messy - we need to stick him in some paint and let loose!  

He now knows that his birthday falls in January and so everytime somebody mentions the word 'January' be it in person or on the tv, he exclaims 'MY BIRTHDAY IS IN JANUARY, S/HE SAID JANUARY!!!'. He also knows that his birthday falls right after Christmas, so as soon as that tree came down it was all about his birthday. I don't know where he gets that from *ahem*.

For the boyo's fourth birthday, we had a family day. We had a lay in, YESSS, and spent a good hour or so watching Will open his presents. He is one lucky boy.

We took a trip to a local ice cream parlour and had some yummy treats...

William managed to eat more of his than I did, little piglet, and as we were walking out told us that he was still hungry! We had had a proper lunch of sandwiches before we even left the house... that boy eats so much!

William then had his Godmother Cathy along with Sean, Jamie, Harry & the gorgeous Olivia pop by in the afternoon with some morrrrre presents. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of their visit as I had to pop to have a flu jab (boo), but William really enjoyed having some playmates for a while.

To finish off a lovely family birthday, Grandma & Grandad boys and Nanny & Grandad came by with, you guessed it, more presents! William is very cute when he has more than one set of Grandparents in the same room at once. He seems to think that they don't know each other, and introduces them to each other very politely and excitedly, little cutey. We then, of course, rounded it off with some Batman cake...

No, naughty Mummy did not make this one... William is due to have a tea party with his cousins when all of this snow goes away, and that my dears is when the homemade monstrosity creation comes out! 

Happy fourth birthday gorgeous boy, Mummy and Daddy love you so so much and hope you had a great day. 


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