Wednesday, 2 January 2013

We have some very exciting news...

There is a new addition to Team Sainsbury on the way!

For those of you not familiar with my insides, there is an upside down baby in there too ^^^ The little mite would not flip around the right way for the perfect scan picture (how inconsiderate) but we did get some others too...

There is a little foot ^^

 Some legs ^^^

 And a head ^^^

Little bro or sis is due out on 09 July 2013, which makes us 13 weeks at this point. Very. Exciting. Stuff. William has been told, and isn't even considering the fact that it may be a little sister - as far as he is concerned his baby brother is cooking in Mummy's belly. I apologise in advance for anyone he asks if they are having a baby, just because you have your Christmas belly on. He is a bit obsessed at the moment bless him.

So there we have it! 

I'm sorry all has been quiet on the blog recently, but I have been concentrating on getting through the first trimester. I've been a bit obsessive over it really. The last few months have been tough. We suffered a miscarriage at 9, nearly 10 weeks, at the end of September and it really hurt. 

The thing is, miscarriage is actually very common, and there are probably a lot of people that I know who have suffered from one or maybe even more... but we tend to keep it quiet. It's one of those things that you avoid, people don't know what to say to you, or how to act. Personally, what I needed most was normality, people around me - we all know I'm a sociable person. But then, others cope in different ways. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if this does happen to anybody close to you, don't avoid them, go and see them and let them know that you're there. If they are one of those people who want time and space to themselves, they will tell you and you'll know. But at least they know that you are there for them when they are in need. 

Correction, if they are one of those couples who want time and space to themselves, they will both tell you and you'll know. Remember the man too, they're hurting just as much.

So now I'm back to blogging - hurrah! I have some treats from Lily, and a round up of Christmas 2012, watch this space :)



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