Year 2 is going really well for William. He has a male teacher, who he is responding really well to, and his reading has come on leaps and bounds. So much so that we are now reading Harry Potter together; I can't tell you how happy that makes me as a first generation Potter nerd.
But reading doesn't give you muscles, no, no. Sport does. Will started at a local swimming club at the end of the six week summer holidays where he trains three times a week. He has a proper swimming hat, two pairs of goggles (he likes to have a choice), and super cute little swimming shorts. He'll kill me for calling them super cute - at least I didn't post a picture...
He'd been having regular Saturday morning lessons before he joined the club but as he had moved onto the advanced lessons we thought he could give the club a try instead. So far, so good. The quality of his different types of strokes is coming on leaps and bounds and most importantly he enjoys it. He can't wait to go, and we are so proud of what he has achieved so far.
He has also started golf lessons at the local driving range. Heavily influenced by Grandad Golf (funny that) and Daddy. William has a slight issue with listening, and sometimes just wants to do his own thing but he is getting better and is enjoying both pitching and putting. His cousin, Beth, is also doing golf lessons with him and they both thoroughly enjoyed a whole day session for half term yesterday.
That's the most important thing, that he enjoys it. I will try to not be that pushy Mum who forces their children to do all of the sports clubs, activities, lessons etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he will have a wobble at some point where he can't be bothered, or he thinks he wants to quit forever, and I will encourage him to think long and hard before he jacks anything in. But ultimately it is his choice. So long as Tony and I are able to accommodate his requests to join clubs then we will always encourage him to do as many things as possible. To follow his interests as I believe that that will help him become a well rounded individual.
But for now, swimming three times a week and golf is keeping him happy and occupied. Well done boyo.